Laser Surgery

What is LANAP®?


Panama City Implants and Periodontics is proud to be the LANAP Laser Center of Bay County.

The LANAP protocol is a laser-based treatment for gum disease. This cutting edge technology does not involve any cutting and suturing like traditional periodontal surgery. As a result patients usually experience less pain and discomfort during and after the procedure. This advanced surgical procedure will help you maintain a beautiful smile unlike procedures of old.

The LANAP protocol is a patented periodontal treatment, cleared by the FDA in 2004 that can only be done with the PerioLase® MVP-7. This laser functions at a specific wavelength that attacks the bacteria that contributes to gum disease, while leaving healthy tissue intact. Post-surgical recession and tooth sensitivity, which can be significant following traditional gum surgery, are also greatly reduced.

LANAP laser surgery vs. traditional cut-and-stitch surgery


Benefits of laser surgery

  • No cutting of your gum tissue

  • No stitches

  • Less pain

  • Less bleeding

  • Less sensitivity

  • Less gum loss

  • Less swelling

  • Very little downtime after treatment

  • Less Post-op infections

  • Promotes regeneration of supporting gum tissues

  • Healing is perceived to be faster and more comfortable than conventional surgery

Are you a candidate for this procedure?


If you were diagnosed with moderate to severe periodontal disease the answer is YES! You can still enjoy the benefits of this procedure even if you smoke. You don’t have to stop taking prescribed blood thinners to do this procedure.

What to expect during the procedure


This will be done in our office, comfortably with only local anesthesia. You will be given (2) two hour appointments over two different days. We will measure your gums and then use a tiny laser fiber between the tooth and gum.

The laser will first remove diseased tissue from the inside lining of the gums and eliminate the infection away. Secondly, we will carefully clean the exposed tooth roots to ensure all plaque and tartar is removed. Finally, we will use the laser once more to kill the bacteria at the bottom of the gum and seal off the pocket.

You will be able to drive and even go back to work if needed!

What is the recovery time?


Typically patients will be a little sore after the procedure, but over-the-counter pain medications will do the trick. This will usually last only a couple of days and then you can begin to enjoy the benefits as your body begins to heal the bone surrounding your teeth.

What will be the cost?


It is very reasonable since it combines several procedures into one. The cost of a full mouth “deep cleaning” and periodontal surgery individually will be more than LANAP laser surgery and will spare you all of the pain and suffering.

Brief Overview of LANAP/LAPIP

Listen to Dr. Bresler speak to surgery using the Millenium laser for periodontal disease and disease around implants